• +91 86559 50451
  • info@inlab.co.in


Skin calming, Hydrating Moisturiser.

A light-weight, hydrating moisturiser that deeply hydrates and nourishes your skin along with dissolving excess oil, repairs damaged tissues, soothes and heals dry and itchy skin and prevents skin aging.

₹ 999

₹ 699




After using CLEAN, take a coin-sized amount into your palm

Apply gently to your face and neck in an even layer

Whenever you use PEEL, use HYDRATE right after to restore the hydration barrier


Vitamin E Acetate

Vitamin E Acetate

Vitamin E Acetate helps to prevent damage to skin caused by free radicals from UV exposure.

Almond Oil

Almond Oil

This helps in softening and hydrating the skin along with reversing UV damage.



This helps in hydrating the outer layer of skin along with improving the skin barrier function. It provides protection and delivers dry skin.


Scientifically Formulated

Scientifically Formulated

Safe to use for everyone

Safe to use for everyone

Gentle on Skin

Gentle on Skin

Active ingredients derived from nature

Active ingredients derived from nature

Toxin Free

Toxin Free

Sulphate & Paraben free

Sulphate & Paraben free

Please read and understand the following disclaimer carefully before using our products.

Allergic Reactions: To avoid any allergic reactions, please perform a patch test on a small skin area, such as your inner arms, and wait for 24 hours. If you experience adverse reactions, discontinue use immediately and call customer care.

Pregnancy and Nursing: Certain ingredients might not be suitable for pregnant or nursing mothers and could pose risks to you and your baby. Consult your healthcare provider before using any skincare products during pregnancy.

Medical Conditions: If you have any pre-existing skin concerns or medical conditions, consult a dermatologist before using new skincare products.

Keep Out of Reach of Children: Our skincare products are not intended to be used by children. Keep all skincare products out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion or misuse.

Storage: Store your skincare products in a cool and dark place away from sunlight or heat to ensure they stay effective and safe to use.

Interaction with other Products: Do not use other skincare products without consulting a skin doctor or dermatologist to ensure no adverse reactions to your skin.

Results May Vary: Individual results from using skincare products may vary due to lifestyle, diet, and overall skin condition.

By using our skincare products, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this disclaimer and agree to use the products responsibly and at your own risk. Please contact our customer support team if you have any concerns or questions about our products, ingredients, or usage.

Thank You for choosing inLab!